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The Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center (SEEC) project is located in South Wing corridor at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Installation finished on a series of cases highlighting the Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center (SEEC) and the rich educational environment it provides for our youngest learners. The cases feature beautiful photos, student artwork, and descriptions of some of SEEC's recent activities. Amira Rasayon was the designer for this project. As the team lead she led production, coordination, and installation for this project. From May through the end of August Amira coordinated with the SEEC and Editorial teams retrieving and finalizing content and the design. With a month for production, installation followed spanning from October through the beginning of November. This display will be up indefinitely, and content will rotate periodically to keep us all up to date on what the SEEC classes are doing. 

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